29 Apr 2023

Python API Integration with Requests and Tweepy

In today's world, where social media has become a crucial aspect of communication, businesses and individuals are leveraging it to grow their brand, reach new customers and stay connected with their existing audience. Twitter is one such platform, where users can share information and communicate with others in real-time. In this blog, we will learn how to integrate Twitter's API with Python using two libraries: Requests and Tweepy.

Requests is a popular Python library used for making HTTP requests to web servers. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and receiving responses from web servers. On the other hand, Tweepy is a Python library for accessing the Twitter API, which enables users to authenticate with Twitter and interact with its APIs.

API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools used to build software applications. APIs allow different applications to communicate with each other and share data. Twitter API is one such API that provides access to its data and functionality, allowing developers to build applications that interact with Twitter.

Let's get started with the integration of Python API with Requests and Tweepy.


Before we proceed with the integration, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

Step 1: Create a Twitter Developer Account

To access the Twitter API, you need to create a Twitter Developer Account. Follow the below steps to create a Twitter Developer Account:

  1. Go to Twitter Developer website and sign up for a new account.
  2. Once you have signed up, create a new app by clicking on the "Create an app" button.
  3. Fill in the required details like the name of the app, description, and website.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions and click on the "Create" button.
  5. Once your app is created, navigate to the "Keys and Tokens" tab to get your API credentials.

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

To install the Requests and Tweepy libraries, run the following commands in your command prompt or terminal:

pip install requests tweepy

Step 3: Authenticate with Twitter API

To interact with the Twitter API, you need to authenticate yourself with the API using your API credentials. In this step, we will create a Python script to authenticate with Twitter API using Tweepy.

Import the Tweepy library

import tweepy

Set your API credentials

consumer_key = 'your_consumer_key'
consumer_secret = 'your_consumer_secret'
access_token = 'your_access_token'
access_token_secret = 'your_access_token_secret'

Use the above credentials to authenticate with the Twitter API

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

Create an API object to access the Twitter API

api = tweepy.API(auth)

Step 4: Send HTTP Requests using Requests

Now that we have authenticated ourselves with the Twitter API, let's make some HTTP requests to get data from the API using the Requests library.

Import the Requests library

import requests

Send a GET request to get a list of the authenticated user's followers

followers_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/list.json"
response = requests.get(followers_url, auth=auth)

Send a POST request to tweet something on your Twitter account

tweet_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"
tweet_text = "Hello, world!"
response = requests.post(tweet_url, auth=auth, params={"status": tweet_text})

Step 5: Interact with Twitter API using Tweepy

Tweepy provides a more user-friendly way to interact with the Twitter API than Requests. In this step, we will use Tweepy to interact with the Twitter API and perform some actions.

Get the authenticated user's timeline

timeline = api.home_timeline()
for tweet in timeline:
    print(f"{tweet.user.name} said {tweet.text}")

Post a tweet using Tweepy

tweet_text = "Hello, world!"

Search for tweets containing a particular keyword

keyword = "Python"
tweets = api.search(keyword)
for tweet in tweets:
    print(f"{tweet.user.name} said {tweet.text}")


In this blog, we learned how to integrate Python API with Requests and Tweepy. We used Requests to send HTTP requests and Tweepy to interact with the Twitter API. We also learned how to authenticate with the Twitter API and perform some actions like getting the user's timeline, posting a tweet, and searching for tweets containing a keyword. Twitter API provides a vast amount of data that can be used to build powerful applications that interact with Twitter.

By integrating Python with the Twitter API, we can perform various tasks, like automating tweets, analyzing user behavior, sentiment analysis, and much more. Requests and Tweepy are just two of the many Python libraries that can be used to integrate with Twitter API. With the knowledge gained from this blog, you can start building your Twitter applications and automate tasks.

However, when using Twitter API, it's important to follow the API's rules and guidelines. Twitter has a rate limit on its API, which means you can only make a limited number of requests in a given time. If you exceed this limit, Twitter may block your access to the API. Therefore, it's crucial to use the API responsibly and follow the rules.

In conclusion, integrating Python API with Requests and Tweepy provides an efficient way to interact with the Twitter API and access its vast amount of data. With the power of Python and the Twitter API, we can build powerful applications that can automate tasks, analyze user behavior, and grow your brand on social media.