2 Sept 2023

Mastering the HTML <a> Tag

TheΒ <a> tag in HTML is a fundamental building block of the World Wide Web. It stands for "anchor" and is used to create hyperlinks, which allow users to navigate between webpages and different sections within the same webpage. In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the functionality and usage of the <a> tag.

Creating Hyperlinks

The most important attribute of the <a> tag is the "href" attribute, which specifies the destination of the link. The value of the href attribute should be the URL of the webpage or resource that the link is directing to. For example, the following code will create a link to Knowivate's homepage:

<a href="https://www.knowivate.com">Visit Knowivate</a>

When the user clicks on the "Visit Knowivate" text, they will be taken to the specified link. The text within theΒ <a> tags, "Visit Knowivate" in this example, is known as the link text or anchor text and is the visible text that users will see and interact with.

It's also possible to create links to specific locations on the same webpage using the <a> tag and the "name" attribute. The "name" attribute is used to create a named anchor, which is a specific location on the page that can be linked to. For example, the following code will create a named anchor at the top of the page:

<a name="top">Top of the page</a>

And then we can create a link to that location as follows:

<a href="#top">Go to top of the page</a>

Linking to Specific Resources

Hyperlinks can be used to link to many different types of resources, including webpages, images, PDF files, and even specific sections within a webpage. To link to a specific image or file, simply specify the file's URL in the href attribute. For example, the following code will create a link to an image file:

<a href="path/to/image.jpg">View Image</a>

Opening Links in a New Tab or Window

The <a> tag also supports the "target" attribute, which specifies where the linked document should be opened. The most common value is "_blank", which will open the link in a new browser tab or window. This is particularly useful when linking to external websites or resources that the user may want to access while keeping the current webpage open. For example,

<a href="https://www.knowivate.com" target="_blank">Visit Knowivate</a>

Styling Hyperlinks

You can make hyperlinks look cool with CSS! 🌟

Hyperlinks are like magic tricks for websites. ✨ You know, those words or buttons you click to go to another page? Yep, those are hyperlinks! And guess what? You can make them look super awesome using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). 😎

Here's how you can do it:

So, remember, CSS is your magic wand for hyperlink styling! βœ¨πŸ’»


In summary, the <a> tag is a powerful and versatile tool for creating links in HTML. It can be used to link to other webpages or specific locations on the same page, and its various attributes provide additional functionality for controlling the behavior of the link. Understanding the <a> tag and how to use it effectively is essential for creating navigable and user-friendly websites.

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