4 Dec 2024

Creating a Responsive Video Background with HTML and CSS

Having a video background on a website can add a visually appealing touch to the overall design. In this blog, we will look at how to create a responsive video background using HTML and CSS.


First, let's look at the HTML code for adding a video background to your website. To do this, you will need to use the video tag. Here is an example of how to add a video background to your HTML code:

  <video src="video.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video>
  <div class="content">
    <!-- Your content goes here -->

In this example, we have a video tag with the source of the video specified using the src attribute. The autoplay attribute makes the video start playing automatically when the page loads, and the loop attribute makes the video repeat continuously. The muted attribute ensures that the video does not have any sound.


Next, let's add some CSS styles to make the video background responsive. To do this, we will need to set the width and height of the video tag to 100%, and then use media queries to adjust the styles based on different screen sizes.

video {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  min-width: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  z-index: -100;
  transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);

@media (max-width: 767px) {
  video {
    min-width: 200%;
    width: 200%;

In this example, we have set the position of the video tag to absolute, which allows us to position it anywhere on the page using the top, left, right, and bottom properties. The top and left properties are set to 50%, which centers the video horizontally and vertically.

The min-width and min-height properties are set to 100%, which ensures that the video always covers the entire screen. The width and height properties are set to auto, which maintains the aspect ratio of the video as the screen size changes.

The z-index property is set to -100, which ensures that the video appears behind the content on the page. The transform property is used to position the video exactly in the center of the screen, regardless of the screen size.

Finally, we use a media query to adjust the styles for smaller screens. In this case, we have set the min-width of the video to 200%, which makes the video cover more of the screen on smaller screens.


In conclusion, adding a responsive video background to your website is a simple process that can enhance the overall look and feel of your site. By using the video tag in HTML and media queries in CSS, you can create a video background that adjusts to different screen sizes, ensuring that your site looks great on any device.

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